What is CI-CMS

CI-CMS is a Codeigniter Content Managment System. This is a combination of my primary concept of how to create a CMS and the ease from Codeigniter. I already created a personal CMS called Solaitra, that I use in many sites now (around 50), and I just want to transport that in CI framework.
Solaitra is a very easy modular CMS, it has many modules such as pages, news, forum, gallery, downloads, quotes, guestbook etc. I just need to port those modules to work in CI and the result will be CI-CMS.

lunedì 1 dicembre 2008

Feed module is done

This module tries to get latest content and publish them as RSS feed. For now, it only get latest page contents and news. If you create a module and want your module content to be integrated in the feed just output a list of arrays containing the elemets for the feed and pass it inside a filte called feed_content

for example:
In your example_plugin.php file

$this->add_filter('feed_content', 'example_feed_content');

function example_feed_content($data)

$contents = array(
'title' => 'this is the first title',
'url' => 'http://this.site.com/first-title',
'date' => 12543540, //a UNIX format date
'body' => 'This should be the body of the first item'
'title' => 'title of the second item',


return array_merge($data, $contents);


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