What is CI-CMS

CI-CMS is a Codeigniter Content Managment System. This is a combination of my primary concept of how to create a CMS and the ease from Codeigniter. I already created a personal CMS called Solaitra, that I use in many sites now (around 50), and I just want to transport that in CI framework.
Solaitra is a very easy modular CMS, it has many modules such as pages, news, forum, gallery, downloads, quotes, guestbook etc. I just need to port those modules to work in CI and the result will be CI-CMS.

domenica 23 novembre 2008

Second alpha-release

Many changes have been implemented since the first alpha release. This is version, still doomed to change.

Some changes were applied to the database.

I'm also preparing for easy install and update.

Please use the SVN do show what changed...

Be careful: Runing the application.sql will reset your database. It will remove trunk all tables.